Friday, September 17, 2010

Virtual Shelving Practice

From the Stephens's Lighthouse Blog

Training Library Shelvers, Pages, and Clerks

Are you orienting a whole new team of pages for the new school year? Do you train shelving staff who are from the gaming generation?

I found this through LISNews who found it in a tweet via RT@shannonmmiller (Shannon Miller of the Van Meter, IA Library:

Check out Order in the Library…an online game using the Dewey Decimal system.

“There are three games you can play; the sorting game, the shelving game and the reordering game. There’s even a Spanish version. Go to it!”

I tried it and, sadly, failed and had to try again. Two slaps with a wet noodle for me. My library club shelving books days are over.

Posted on: September 7, 2010, 7:11 am

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